If you have a camp or team tournament event to list, email and/or call [email protected] -- phone: 802-275-7527
Search camps to attend in Spring / Summer - search: https://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/camps/
Another Resource: https://basketball.exposureevents.com/basketball-directory-listings
The Keene State College athletic department is committed to providing a variety of summer camp programs for boys and girls of all ages and skill levels. Owl camps are designed to teach each participant the basic fundamentals needed to be a complete athlete. Campers will also enjoy a fun-filled day of activities and exercises created to sharpen their talent, build confidence, and create friendships along the way.
Participants will receive high-quality instruction from KSC head coaches and their staff, who promise to provide a high-energy, competitive yet rewarding experience for all campers. -- 1-800-KSC-1909 · 229 Main St. Keene, New Hampshire 03435 -- Click on the image above for camp listings
Participants will receive high-quality instruction from KSC head coaches and their staff, who promise to provide a high-energy, competitive yet rewarding experience for all campers. -- 1-800-KSC-1909 · 229 Main St. Keene, New Hampshire 03435 -- Click on the image above for camp listings